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Can I Really Make Money Blogging? by Jane Sheeba - about this guide 6 years ago

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Jane started blogging more than six years ago when (it’s fairly safe to say) it was a little easier to start a successful blog than it is theses days. This is purely because there weren’t nearly as much competition as there are in just about every niche you can think of today. By this I don’t mean Jane had it easy. In the contrary, Jane worked pretty hard to get to where she’s at today. I’ve always known her as an action taker and as far as my knowledge stretches, she is one of the very few successful bloggers I know that still has a normal day job so you can imagine how many hours she puts into the things she does. With my previous statement I simply want to emphasize that Jane has seen the best of both worlds: when things were easier to set up and today when things are a little more technical and complex than they were.

What This Guide Is NOT

If you want someone to tell you that to start a blog and make money with it is easy, please don’t waste your time or $9.99 the report costs as you will be utterly disappointed. Should you perhaps live under the illusion that it’s easy to set up a successful blog, you can just sit back and you will make millions within a week or two, again, please don’t waste your time or money. Perhaps you think you won’t have to do much; Jane will give you the “magic formula” on how you can set things up on auto pilot and you won’t have to lift a finger after that? Don’t bother my friend as again, you’ll be thoroughly disappointed. To summarize what this guide is not This guide is not a quick fix to a lazy person looking to be spoon-fed with magic secrets “never seen before” strategies which take you a minute to implement which you can “set and forget” and you can just sit back and watch the millions roll in while you have your lazy bum stretched out on some remote island with margaritas at sundown.

What This Guide Is ALL about.

Can I Really Make Money Blogging? consists of six chapters totaling 67 pages of pure content including the odd rant or two about things you can pick up that irritates Jane as a professional blogger which she warns you about for obvious reasons. The guide delves into the history of setting up a blog and moves to present day tactics and technologies you need to be aware of as a new blogger. Jane starts out with highlighting the right mindset you need to adapt when starting out with your career as a blogger in order to have the maximum potential of reaching the top in one piece. Thereafter actionable step-by-step instructions of what you need, where you need to get it and how to use everything you need in order to set things up the way professionals do, even if you’re a total newbie without any experience.

What I Disliked About The Guide

There is one whole chapter about “fake it till you make it” which I personally only agree to a certain degree with. Jane’s whole argument and rant in this chapter goes against newbie bloggers whom have not yet made it but teaching others as if they have. This can be understood to some degree but only if what the newbie is teaching is completely wrong or utter BS as some might better understand. And I’ll tell you why I say this… I believe that when any fact or statement is made and it’s the complete truth and it teaches me something which is right, to me personally it doesn’t matter where or from who it comes from. A small child of five years old can teach me how to do something and if what he teaches me improves my life, then kudos to him, whether he is five years old or eighty five years old. To illustrate my point a little further My science tutor at university that taught me any formula, let’s say something familiar (hopefully) to most, like E=MC2. That tutor teaches that formula because he studied and read a text book that was written and contained formulas people like Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton formulated. The tutor didn’t do the experiments and gained the knowledge through experience as Jane believes it should be. No, he studied a text book with these facts, got his degree and now teaches it to others. In short, he did some research and now teaches what he found to be true. To me, that’s the same thing as a new blogger, no matter his personal experience as a new blogger if he has been following some experts in the field that have proven and tested track records, and what he’s learnt is the actual truth and then he goes and teaches that same facts to another person, to me there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. No matter how long he has had or how he got the knowledge, whether from personal experience OR simply thorough research, if it’s the truth and it will improve my life or skills, I couldn’t care less where it comes from. What I do agree on about this chapter is promoting a product or service when you have not used or have personal experience with it. To me this is something completely different and I agree you can not promote something you haven’t used so you can truthfully say you know it works for a fact because you have used it yourself. I totally agree with this and I am completely against affiliates promoting products or services they sometimes wouldn’t even know the content of themselves.